August 27, 2010

  • Sup?!

    This is Chibi again.. Though I suppose her name is supposed to be Momo.  I think it’s a stupid name, but I didn’t name her, unfortunately.  It was chosen by vote at 2008′s Chibi-con.  Apparently the people who go to Chibicon aren’t all that inventive.  Oh well.  That’s 2010′s poster model.  The posters will be going up soon (I hope)  so we can get the con registration underway.  This is the earliest start I’ve ever seen, but even with the past years when they looked to be off to a good start, they kinda dropped the ball and fell behind then ended up rushing at the end.  Last year wasn’t too bad, I guess.  Much better than the year previous. Anyway..

    I’ve killed six ants in my condo in the last ten minutes, all crawling on the small table I have my keyboard set up on.  I have no idea where they’re coming from.  I wish I did.  I don’t like ants. Or any other bugs for that matter.  Not in my condo.  I hope they’re not in my bed…

    I’ve been considering my mind lately.  Maybe too much.  But I think I figured one thing out. Though, it’s pretty closely related to another thing that I already knew, so maybe it wasn’t that big of a discovery.  The thing I KNEW is that I’m very empathic.  Reading people’s emotions, even feeling them, is a thing I do without meaning to, it just kinda happens, which fucks with my emotions a lot.  But whatever. The thing that I figured out is that I don’t really have a very defined “Self”.  I very often tend to just feed off of the company I’m with, whether it’s emotions, or things we’re doing.  I can say that I like or dislike things, but I’m more or less indifferent to almost everything.  The reason I might like or dislike something specifically, usually roots from other people’s opinions around me.  I suppose I’m impressionable.  If someone I’m with really enjoys doing something or is having fun, I’ll probably also have fun, unless something else is keeping me from doing so.  (Like a horrible headache.. which happens very frequently, especially when I’m in places that have lots of people or noises in them)

    Perhaps I’m just crazy.  But I intend to look into it more.  I plan to work on my independence for a little while and see if I can figure out what kind of personality I have without mirroring everyone else’s.  Of course, there’s also the bi-polar thing, which affects a lot depending on if I’m manic or depressed.. I like being somewhere in between, personally.. Since being depressed sucks, and being manic makes people think I’m kind of a bitch or something.  Or maybe just high strung.. Depends on the people.  And the situation.  Again.

    I’ve also been reading the Hitchhikers Guide, finally. I’ve been obsessed with 42 for years now, but hadn’t ever actually read the damn thing, just learned about it from various sources.  The first book was hilarious. I’m about a chapter into the second.  We’ll see how they are.  Thanks to Wali-sama I have the “omnibus”… of course, there’s a sixth book now, but it wasn’t written by the same guy, so I’ll reserve judgement.  Perhaps I’ll look into it, based on what I feel after I’ve finished the first five.  XP 

    But now I must make my way off to.. Other things, perhaps some toast, before I go off to be a giant nerd.  Like.. A nerd so big, I don’t even have a word for it. That’s right.  I dipped into the world of RPGs.  Not the video game kind either.  Think D&D.  Except worse.  Because it’s Star Wars based.  I don’t even care for Star Wars that much, to be completely honest. (Yeah, I can feel a few of my friends [if they even read this] glaring at me in horror right about now..)  I played cuz I wanted to be part of one of my friends nerdy things, cuz they always talk about it.  Like, a lot.  You have no idea.  It’s almost as if they had experienced these adventures in real life.  Which is fine, I’m not saying it’s really dumb or anything.  It’s pretty cool to have that kinda imagination.  I just find the system a bit boring sometimes.  I might enjoy running a game more than playing it.  But that takes time, effort, and research, I’m not willing to put out.  

    That said, I should probably get to that toast..

July 26, 2010

  • Ignorance is Bliss

    Sad but true.  I mean, sure stupid people get down about things, but they’re usually just down about stupid things.. Since they’re stupid people.  Not stupid directly, but stupid in the way that it’s a thing that can be solved pretty easily, or an issue being made out of a non-issue.

    Not just that though.  You can more readily enjoy things if you’re not sitting there analyzing it the whole time.  You can enjoy people’s company more because you’re not sitting there thinking how dumb they are. Lol, it’s kinda harsh when put into words though…

    Then I’ve asked the question before, if you could give some of your intelligence up in exchange for being happier, would you?  Also, is it better to be stupid, but generally pleasant, or really smart, and generally a jerk?  I got an answer like “People don’t generally hate other people for being stupid if they’re nice.. But nobody likes a jerk”… True, I guess..  XD

    The smart people hate the stupid people though.  So there are still haters out there. And they will hate, regardless. Cuz they gotta.  :P

    More specifically, I wasn’t really thinking in general terms of intelligence anyway, more along the lines of empathy.  If i know something I’ve done, or am doing, is hurting someone, but I can’t really NOT do it, without hurting someone else, how can I ever be really happy?  It’s really hard to just ignore that I’m hurting someone, but at the same time, I’m not gonna be able to help them any without hurting myself or someone else. 

    People (usually) get over stuff  eventually.  Here’s hoping.

July 15, 2010

  • So opinions plz XD

    I’m thinking of getting the above picture as a tattoo on my back.  I’m looking for opinions.  :P   Obviously the final decision is up to me, but as far as general stuff goes – Colours, things to add/remove, I’ve heard from a couple people they think I should stick with just two angel wings, rather than one of each, but I’m still debating on that..

    Please let me know asap!  I have an appointment on the 29th for the tattoo, but I have to go in next week to make a down payment on it, so I’d have to have the artwork in then so the artist can get a look at it before the day. :P

July 3, 2010

  • Definitely worth the watch – Trust Me, trust me, trust me, yeah!

    No pictures today, no time for it really.. Just doing a quick entry before i run off to my stupid job.  >_<   I decided it’s been too long since I made an entry, I haven’t had a minute to sit down and do ANYTHING when I wasn’t too tired to do it, and ended up passing out.  So yeah, hai guys.

    Two anime I’ve been watching recently just ended.  Which sucks, cuz now I don’t have anything else I feel like watching.  D:  I can say this for sure though;  Definitely watch Durarara.  It kept up to it’s awesomeness, and had a great season.  I really hope there’s another one, but I dunno if there will be, I haven’t had a moment to look into it yet.  Perhaps this evening I’ll have a few minutes to myself in which I don’t fall asleep.. We’ll see.  But yeah, I loved it!  Definitely give it a look. 

    The second one I just finished was Angel Beats!  And I gotta say – I cried my eyeballs out on a few occasions during this one.  It had really likeable characters that had really really sad stories in their pasts… Which makes sense, since the whole premise of the anime is an “afterlife” place that people end up if they have regrets from before they died.  So of course there’d be a ton of really sad stories involved.  The anime itself was pretty intriguing, so I gave it a watch. It’s only 13 episodes, but the ending was pretty well done, and I’d suggest giving it a watch too… But not before Durarara!  XD  Unless of course anyone out there has time for both..

    Other than that, I suppose life’s been hectic above all.  As can be obviously noted, by my distinct lack of time to accomplish much.  I’m hoping everything will settle down soon, cuz I’m just plain tired.

June 9, 2010

  • Bye Bye Car? D:

    So uh.. Yeah, guess whose car that is.  D:  Just recently posted about how I’d bought a new car, and I was waiting for the weather to get better so I could wash it up and get a nice clean pic of it.. Didn’t even get to do that, and now this.  x_x  My poor car!  T_T 

    Im not entirely sure on if there’s any laws or rules about posting stuff like this.. I don’t think there are, but if there actually is, I hope I don’t get in trouble.  >_>  Anyway, if anyone was wondering, yes, I’m pretty much fine.  My neck is stiff, my left arm/shoulder/hand got kinda beat up and is hard to move, got quite a few cuts and bruises and I’ll be sore for a while, but other than that, I got out of it pretty well uninjured.   Thankfully, the accident wasn’t my fault, though I’ve still yet to go thru the crappy insurance investigating stuff, I’m not sure how hard/easy it is, I’ve heard both variations, some saying they’re really hardcore about trying to get an equal fault regardless of what “actually” happened, and others saying that it’s really fair and they’re good about it… So I’m a bit nervous, but my dad said he’d go with me to the meeting thingy, and while he can’t really have much say since he wasn’t there, at least I’ll have moral support.  Probably more than that, since my dad is SERIOUSLY hard to argue with, and he won’t give in to anything, especially when things are unfair or wrong.  So if they even try to pin blame on me I’m pretty sure he’ll have something to say..  XP

    That’s how it looks on the inside, the airbags went off, thankfully, otherwise i’d have a pretty hefty bruise on my forehead, a really really big headache, and might have even been knocked out.  Airbags are viscous on the arms though, I’m pretty sure that’s where most of the damage to my left arm and hand came from.  They also smelled like burning, which scared me a bit since, well i was already freaked out from hitting another vehicle… God that was scary as hell.  Then I smell this burning scent, and I’m a bit concerned that my car might be on fire… Luckily not though, it was just airbag smell and dust. 

    So I’m driving along heading west, doing about 60, coming up on a flashing yellow.  Just as I was coming up to the intersection, a car coming off the street on my right, which has a flashing red, pulls RIGHT out in front of me.. Of course the first reaction is OMGOMGOMGBRAKES, but since the streets were wet from the rain, and i was pretty much RIGHT there, it didn’t help much.  I dunno exactly what was going thru my mind at the time, Im pretty sure it was mostly things like “ogodplzmiss”  and “not my new car D: “  also probably “plz i dont need an accident right nao” but it all happened so fast it was quite a blur.  Next thing I know it was like CRUNCH and BANG and I’m smacked in the face with an airbag.  First thing was like, ok get out of car… Door was pretty stuck but I got it open, and stood there for a sec getting my bearings, then headed over to the other driver’s door to see if she was ok, got her door open and she was pretty stunned, saying something about how she didn’t see me cuz I didn’t have any lights on… But i quite definitely did, since my car automatically has lights turn on as soon as it’s running, plus I remember precisely when I turned them on when I was still in my mum’s driveway.. >_>

    Anyway yeah, ambulance just happened to be driving by at the time, I remember seeing them, and was like.. Wow that was fast.. lol.  I guess all the shock and realization hit me all at once as soon as the paramedic guy led me into the back of it, cuz i started crying and stuff.  Not so fun.  Got led from one emergency vehicle to the next before being hauled off with some of the shit from my car (my shoulder bag, backpack with PS3 in it, which thankfully wasn’t damaged, and my laundry which was what i’d just done at my mum’s.. Funnily enough I totally forgot my car keys and house keys in the car like a doink.)

    I tried calling my mum right away, called my bf when I couldn’t get ahold of her, then another funny thing, texted my coworker to tell her I might not make it into work the next day.. lol.. I have interesting priorities.  ;P  The hospital was a bit boring, they just kinda poked me a bit and sent me on my way after a while.

    All in all, an eventful, but not overly fun, night.  It was around like 11:30-12ish, so I didn’t get to (a rather uncomfortable attempt at) sleep till like 2:30 or so, woke up a few times cuz I was really uncomfortable, or my blasted cat would step/lie on my arm/shoulder.  D: 


    And just for the sake of doing this, since I haven’t done so in a few days, this is Bitey, my second pokemon on my Nuzlok run.  Surprisingly enough, Bitey is still alive.  XD  And actually getting pretty strong.  Hyper fang.. (Or is it super fang? I dont rememebr which one it knows)  Is pretty awesome.  I don’t forsee Bitey being useful for long, but she’s done me well so far.  I’m considering whether or not I wanna let her evolve, since raticates are pretty fugly… But for the sake of survivability in a nuzlok, I might just let her.

    The only complaint I have so far about Nuzlok runs is, well other than the constant need to frickin grind like mad so that they don’t die and I can’t use them anymore.. >_>  Is that the “first pokemon” you encounter on a route is, most usually, a Derp.  For anyone who doesn’t know what a Derp is, it’s a phrase that I’m pretty sure originated with fucking Bidoof, because of their stupid blank “Derp” facial expression..  It’s the stupid, crappy, over populated, and generally weak, pokemon that are all too common throughout the game.  Pretty much every route has them too, they’re usually the first to show up, which makes nuzlok teams kinda generic and Derp-tastic. D:

    I’m hoping I get lucky and get at least one or two non-derpy pokemon.

June 5, 2010

  • Meet Squish

    I’m doing a nuzlok run on Pokemon Leaf Green.  Dunno if everyone knows what that is (if anyone is even reading these still) but it’s a set of rules made to make the playthrough quite a bit more challenging.

    You can only catch the FIRST pokemon you see on each new route.  If you kill it, tough luck.  New route meaning, the first time you visit a route, going back over a route, or over to a different side of the same route (as in on two sides of a cave for example) doesn’t count.
    When a pokemon faints, you have to release it.  (Or in my case, I’m gonna stick them in a box in my PC labeled “RIP”…)  And you can’t use it again.  Like as if it’s dead.  Fainting = dying.
    You have to nickname each pokemon you get so that it hurts that much more when they “die”.  Yes, I’m serious, that’s actually a rule.  Sadistic.  XD

    There’s other more hard core rules, like about item limits, how often you can use poke centers, and so on.  I’m only playing basic rules though, so I really dunno about how far some people would go to try to be hardcore. :P   I still wanted to have fun with it, not want to throw my GBA out a window. 

    So there you have it.. My first pokemon is Squish.  I love him.  <3  Isn’t he cute? :D   I’ll be adding pokemon as I go along.. I’ve already had one death in my team thanks to mindless grinding and not paying attention.. I got too used to just sitting there spamming the A button, I didn’t notice what was going on… But that’s a story for when that particular pokemon is featured. XP

    I didn’t get around to drawing Squish as a squirtle, since he evolved before I decided I’d do this.. And I doubt I’ll be evolving him again, cuz Wartortle is way cooler than Blastoise. XD  So this is Squish.. Wish him luck in our battles, cuz I’ll be really sad if he dies!  :(

June 3, 2010

  • Frankenbean

    There’s just something about “frankenbean” that sounds funny.  Also, I don’t remember what it’s from, if it’s from anything.. I’ve been saying it since i was a kid, so I dunno.  I am the Doctor of DS’s I suppose.  :P   I like to mix and match the pieces… ALthough to be fair in the one on the left (blue-topped one) there wasn’t much choice. XD  I’m considering maybe I should have used the green plate for the top, but I didn’t feel like trying to thread screws into it, since it was brand new… Plus the blue looks kinda neat, just doesn’t match really.  The inside looks really cool though! 

    The one on the right that’s like an inside out pastel coloured watermelon is my original DS, which my bf dropped and the hinge bit broke off, so he got me the new one, which i promptly lost.. >_<  Either way, i bought the green casing off ebay, i highly recommend the dude i bought it from too, he’s pretty awesome.  If anyone’s interested I’ll link later.  So yeah I reconstructed my old DS.  :D

    THe other one was from a guy at work, the top screen wasn’t working, so i lent him the tri-wing screwdriver that came with the housing I bought ( Deveno’s DS and PSP Housings !! )  and he couldnt fix it so he gave it to me.. And I got a screen from a friend’s broken DS and now I have 2~

    I still haven’t beat silver yet… I’m kinda stalling until I get Platinum.. Cuz I want my eevee team back. :<  If you zoomed in the pic, yes, there are gundam seed stickers on the pink bits of my original DS, and on Silver, that is a Flygon beside me <3  I love my Niche.

    Other than that, nothing interesting… I hate monotony. Before you realize it your life becomes a daily grind, same thing over and over.. Bah, it’s so boring.  Wake up, go to work, do the same things at work every day, go home, do some stuff, maybe see a friend, watch, read, or play something fun, eat, shower, sleep.. Lather, rinse, repeat.  weekends arent long enough, and there’s not enough hours in a day.  You spend about 8 hours at work, 6-9 sleeping, then u factor in travel time, the time you spend doing daily shit, like eating, cleaning, pooping, etc.. there’s really not that much left for you to just enjoy, least of all, get out and go somewhere, cuz that’d be more travel time… SO you pretty much gotta like the area you live, or at least maybe, the inside of your house.

    I only complain, cuz every day i have to have some relax time, where i just sit down and play a game or read or watch something, but I also wish i had more time to spend with friends and stuff, and I can’t seem to get both done most of the time, so I suppose I’ve been sacrificing my friend time more often than not, cuz the relaxing time is much needed after a long stupid day at work.

    Speaking of relaxing time, I think its sleep time.  D:  Time to waste 6 hours of my life doing nothing but lying in a bed… A really comfy bed, mind.  With a chunky kitty to use as a pillow. <3

May 20, 2010

  • hay guyz

    Its been awhile since I did an entry… I have some excuses, though none are all that good. :P   First off, work’s been busy again, so there’s that amount of time I have to waste on shit I don’t wanna do. Then I lost my DS, and all my Pokemon games.  Which seriously upset me, having spent over 400 hours in Platinum and 60+ in silver, plus I also lost Pearl, Luminous Arc 2, Kirby Cursed Canvas… And one other that I can’t remember right now, thus signifying how important it wasn’t… XD  Point being, ALL my Pokemon, and the time spent acquiring them, all gone… Plus my DS was only a few weeks old, since my bf had recently bought it for me.  x_x

    So yeah, I got Silver again, if anyone cares for my friend code, I guess ask me for it, since I don’t remember it off hand..

    If anyone is wondering wtf my cat is doing in the pic, there’s a beetle she’s playing with.. It’s probably blocked by her paw or something.  xD

    And now for a ton of pictures of cakes!  Cuz I can.

    Turtle Cake!  – Didn’t get a picture of the guts of it, cuz I was running short on time before I had to get the desserts out.  It’s filled with caramel chocolate mousse, caramel sauce and toasted pecans.. The icing is also caramel chocolate, topped with chocolate dipped pecans and caramel sauce!  :3  The cake itself is chocolate…

    Lemon cake -- Again, didn’t get an inside view of it. White cake, with lemon pie filling in the center.  The icing is lemon flavoured, i used a fork dipped in lemon flavouring to crossthatch the top for a nifty design.. Sides are coated with vanilla biscrunch and the roses are made of royal icing.

    Black forest cake — Generic  black forest cake, filled with cherries, topped with whipped shit, chocolate flakes on the sides, maraschino cherries on top!  Simple and generic… But easily a favourite.. Yum  ;3

    Oreo Cake :D –  Pretty basic as well, really. Black forest cake, filled with whip shit, oreo bits and chocolate sauce, topped with whip shit and chocolate sauce drizzle… Sides are coated with oreo crumbs, and garnished with half oreos. 

    Mocha cake — Chocolate cake, filled with coffee buttercream, (which was really really good I might add) iced with coffee flavoured whip shit, drizzled with chocolate sauce.  Chocolate flavoured biscrunch on the sides, and white and dark chocolate squiggle garnish.  X3

    Cinnamon torte! — The only one I called a torte, although most of them are kinda… I dunno, whatever, I’m too lazy with names, the only reason this one has a fancier sounding name is cuz that’s what I’ve always called it. XD  Anyway, it’s got 13 layers of cinnamon wafers, with cinnamon-spiced whip cream in between each, topped with the same cream.  Garnished with cinnamon sugar, and tiny royal icing flowers.  Super tasty~

    Raspberry lime torte — My own signature cake, actually. Created the recipe in college. X3  White cake (although in college I used marble), filled with lime curd, topped with raspberry mousse. The sides are a thin layer of cake, called joconde, which is decorated with decor sponge, it’s an interesting process if anyone cares. :P The joconde itself is almond flavoured.  And on top is piped chocolate butterflies, which aren’t really hard to make, so much as annoying to not break while making.. DX

    Chocolate mousse cake — Yummy… Lol  Base is chocolate cake, it has another joconde wrap around delicious chocolate mousse!  Topped with piped chocolate designs.. Simple yet delicious. :3

    Assorted Cheesecakes + Pecan pie — Top picture – Key lime, Pumpkin, Oreo, Raspberry, and Cherry cheesecakes. 
    Bottom Picture – Pecan pie, Blueberry, Chocolate, Peach cheesecakes, and another Pecan pie.

    I hate cheesecake.  But I make it pretty well, so I’ve been told.  Pecan pie is great though, even though all it really is is sugar, eggs, and some pecans… XD  I think those ones have chocolate in em too though.

    That’s about it…. XP

May 1, 2010

  • Cake Parade


    Back to being busy at work…. And seemingly trying to figure out how this alignment of pictures and sizes and stuff works. :P   Since there isn’t a “preview” option.. I dunno if it’ll look the way I want it to when i hit the post button. XP

    Either way, I’m gonna be posting some tasty looking things on here every so often, since I will hopefully remember to take pictures of them whenevre i make a new type.. Cuz I wanna kinda keep them looking the same this year, so I’m gonna get pictures of them so my coworkers (assuming I get a full time one) will have reference images.

    SO opinions on a webcomic?  I’d really love it if people would comment every once in awhile.. (thank you José.. omg i used the slashy E thing!)  I’m debating what would be the best way to do it.  One shots?  Or with more of a story?  Or maybe one shots that still string together to form a chronological thing?  I dunno.  I have a lot of ideas.  XD  I just wanna know what form is the best way to keep people reading… other than of course, having good content and stuff… Cuz that shouldn’t be a problem, hopefully.

    “Violence is always the answer.  Unless the question is “what is not the answer?… But even then, the best way to shut someone up who’s preaching about how violence is not the answer is a quick shot to the solar-plexus.”  :D

April 28, 2010

  • We all live in a yellow submarine


    You shouldn’t hold your breath so long.  It’s bad for your complexion.  As is being displayed to you by Captain Dom here.  :3  But just for fun, let’s see if you can hold your breath long enough to read this whole entry, ok?  cool.

    I know someone who doesn’t know the song that’s mentioned in my title.  My first reaction was WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?  But then i thought about it for a moment.. And felt like bitch slapping him for not knowing such a popular Beatles song.  D:  Because we all live in a yellow submarine.. Yellow submarine.. Yellow submarine… :D  

    So I’ve (of course) been playing Pokemon to DEATH.  But i’ve also been working on other things, like this year’s chibicon poster, some brainstorming for a web comic I might do… Yeah I’ve said that before, so I dunno if this one will actually happen or not.. But I’m hoping so.. XD  Guess we’ll see.  I should post a preview of the chibicon poster sometime shortly too. :D

    Other than that.. Work is gonna be the death of me.  I really don’t wanna do it anymore.  D:  There’s a dinner tomorrow for probably about 120-ish, since it’s the last (all you can eat) Prime Rib (for 15 bucks) night of the season.  Race season is starting soon, and I’m not looking forward to it.  It’s gonna suck. Hardcore.  Donkey gonads.  Fuck it. D:   So yeah, dinner for like 120+, then friday is an awards ceremony for about 225+..  Then Saturday MORNING AT 10 FUCKING AM is the Kentucky Derby brunch for probably 250+.  >_>  AND I have to get all the thursday stuff done in the morning, start the friday stuff in the afternoon, finish the friday stuff friday morning so I can do ALL the saturday stuff friday afternoon/evening cuz there’s no way there’s gonna be enough time to do it before 10 on saturday morning… GAY GAY GAY

    I don’t have an assistant yet either, my coworker from last year came back, but she can only work weekends, which won’t help me prep FOR the weekend, so It’s basically all me.  I’m gonna die…

    Oh god I still recommend Durarara to ANYONE and EVERYONE, cuz new themesongs or not, it’s still probably one of the best anime I’ve seen in a long ass time.  My standards have been heightened over time.. I remember a time when almost anything would impress me, movies, anime.. If i didn’t love it, i was at least entertained enough to not be bothered by glaring plot holes, awful dialogue, shit tier storyline, etc, etc etc… But now I just get annoyed at shitty work.  Movie writers/directors/producers/whatever are getting lazy.  Videogames are shit now, there’s like ONE good one every .. hundred.. that’s actually worth playing, cuz it’s all “OMG look atthegraphicsthey’re soawesome!!1″  Or whatever.. Nobody takes the time to write a compelling story and put in relateable and not lame characters… *sigh*  Whatever.  Durarara is amazing.  Watch it~!

    I guess that’s all I have to say for now.  You can totally let go of your breath!  Since it probably took a lot less time to read it than it took me to write it.. Yeah I totally didn’t hold my breath.. I make too many typos for that shit.  D: