Month: October 2011

  • League of Legends Cosplay Contest!

    Hope Twiggy doesn’t mind me posting a picture of him.  ;P  But there we go.  xD  Me and Twiggy decided to enter the Harrowing Masquerade contest as Divine Soraka and Surfer Singed. 

    If i wanna wear this costume to a con, I’m gonna need to alter it a bit – the earrings are heavy and hurt my ears, and the hair fucking weighs a ton. xD  Other than that though, it’s a pretty nifty costume.  ;P  I love how the runes turned out on the skirt and vest thingy, although the picture doesn’t show the skirt ones super well.  Also… GO BANANA! Lol.

    As for Twiggy, he forgot to put on the arm guards he made (we didn’t realize until after he’d taken off the costume, and he wasn’t willing to wrap himself back up.. lol) He’s gonna have to get some better fabric for the bandages though, the stuff he got didn’t flex well enough so he was moving quite stiffly. xD  Hopefully we both pick up a prize, but we’ll see.  ;x

    Now that that’s done, I can get back to other projects. ;3

  • Spirit among the stars

    So I had this dream last night, i mean I have a lot of dreams that are really detailed, feel incredibly real, and I usually remember them more like memories than dreams.. ANYWAY, in part of the dream I was walking outside down a sidewalk in a nondescript neighborhood, looked like it could have been in any of the somewhat older, quiet suburban areas in Winnipeg… Reminded me of the area my Gigi lives, except it wasn’t there.  Anyway, I was just walking down the sidewalk at night, and the Joker (yes, the villain from Batman) is hanging around.  He’s doing his usual giggly crazy talk thing, and at some point he asks me if I care that he might kill me. I guess he wasn’t getting a rise out of me with his normal schtick, so he was getting bored enough to ask me a sorta serious question.  My answer was not really.  I looked up at the sky, which was really pretty in the dream, so many stars!  Kinda like seeing the sky from the country, without all the light pollution.  I said that I was looking forward to the day when I could shed this annoying physical form, and become a free soul, so that I could travel where I pleased, and live among the stars in the sky.

    Made death sound kind of nice.  Not that I’m one of those that has ever considered suicide or anything, even at my most depressed, suicide always seemed like the pussy’s way out, at most cutting was my release, never the thought of death.  Just saying this dream made it sound inviting. The thought of becoming something like how hollywood would imagine a soul – kind of a glowing ball of mist sorta thing – and just floating around the galaxies as I please.  Of course, you think about it more when you wake up, it would end up being pretty lonely, unless of course there were other souls out there, and souls can somehow communicate on some level, but the dream didn’t go into that much detail :P

    I think it’s more the thought of freedom than death that feels inspiring. While I’d rather not die, being free would be so nice.  

    A bit more serious post today. Guess I’m feeling a bit depressed again. Woo